Fat gay bear porn daddy

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Earlier this spring, we shot tons of cuddly bears under the blazing Palm Springs sun. Excellent stuff!īrad Kalvo, Rex Blue, Marc Angelo and Carlo Cox - BearFilms. These guys aren't gym-bunny pornstars, they are the real deal: hairy, horny and ready to cum whenever they want! Chef flips Sid on his back and pounds at his hole while Sid jerks his own cock they both shoot thick, juicy loads all over Sid's round belly.

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Sid is really vocal and he really likes the deep cock buried in his ass, almost as mush as we like seeing real men like Chef and Sid getting nasty and fucking bareback. Chef really loves getting head, but he wants a piece of Sid's ass…after he's been orally serviced a while, Chef gets behind Sid and starts giving him a deep, hard fuck. Sid gets Chef started with his big, soft lips and pumps his mouth up and down on Chef's stiff cock. Chef Bear and Sid Morgan - HairyAndRaw, We made a trip down south to Atlanta this winter and the local bareback enthusiasts made it a shoot to remember! Chef Bear and Sid Morgan were clamoring to get in front of the camera for us and show off their oral skills and we were completely fascinated by these two big men.

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